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Ndutu Safari Lodge



Ndutu Safari Lodge

This is what you're looking for...

Shaded by majestic acacia trees, Ndutu Safari Lodge offers peace and tranquility away from the hustle and bustle of modern life. Spend some time with us and unwind. Relax to the rhythm of an African day as a myriad of bird calls herald the rising sun. Enjoy our resident wildlife, or go for a game drive and explore the range of habitats that lie within easy reach. In the evening, sip a cool drink at the bar followed by a four course dinner. Don't expect five stars; from our campfire you will see millions.

What to do at Ndutu? A million wildebeest can’t be wrong! They come here during the rains, December through May. They calve on the plains in February, they gallop through the woodlands, they swim across the lake. From June through November, the plains remain dry and the great herds are gone. Resident game including giraffes, elephants, impalas, Big Cats, and birds tend to congregate around the waterholes and marshes of Ndutu around this time. But both wet and dry season offer a lot of animals to see.

  • 34 stone cottages
  • rooms facing Lake Ndutu
  • Electricity in the rooms
  • Camp fire
  • Gift shop