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Mount Meru


It is located in northern Tanzania, northeast of town of Arusha. The size is roughly 552 sq km or 212 sq miles. From Arusha, it is approximately 40 minutes drive time, and 60 km from Kilimanjaro International Airport. You can tour the forests, lakes, and the famous Ngurdoto Crater which can be visited on the course of a half-day excursion or part of your extended northern safari tour.

It is located in northern Tanzania, northeast of town of Arusha. The size is roughly 552 sq km or 212 sq miles. From Arusha, it is approximately 40 minutes drive time, and 60 km from Kilimanjaro International Airport. You can tour the forests, lakes, and the famous Ngurdoto Crater which can be visited on the course of a half-day excursion or part of your extended northern safari tour.

NOTE:The Mountain Trekking permits are valid for a maximum of 12 hours. There are numerous picnic spots, but camps are organized in only selected sites. It provides good acclimatization for Kilimanjaro. When to go? It is open year round, but experienced best in the months of February through June. Rain occurs in the month of November and early December.

Because Mount Meru’s location is inside the boundaries of Arusha National Park, hikers are required to be accompanied by an armed ranger. ON the lower slopes, you’re more likely to see animals like elephant, buffalo, giraffe, zebra etc. As hikers go on with their ascent, the trail follow the north rim of the volcano’s crater. Hikers get to sleep in designated huts which are present along the trail. Upon reaching the summit, trekkers will witness the spectacular views of Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Meru Crater.

3 Days Mt Meru Climbing

After having your breakfast meal at your hotel in Moshi, you’ll be

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4 Days Mt Meru Climbing

After having your breakfast meal at your hotel in Moshi, you’ll be

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