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Tanzania Budget Camping Safari

Tanzania Budget Camping Safari


Tanzania Budget Camping Safari

Want to experience the “Wild Africa” in an authentic way? A camping safari is for you! Tanzania budget camping safari packages are lower in price and pocket friendly than their lodge safari packages and luxury safari packages counterpart. The visitors get to sleep in tents which keep them closer to nature and wildlife. It’s a better way to enjoy the beautiful landscape of most national parks.

KiliTwende Adventures clients who choose this option will have their tents assembled for them each evening and collapsed again in the morning by our staff, with the tents being packed away and stored on the vehicle, for use again the following evening. Tanzania budget Camping safaris are rewarding experiences because visitors feel like they’re participating in a real African adventure, but still have all the services of safari driver guides, and a chef to take care of all their needs. While on camping safari you will have a chef who will be preparing delicious fresh foods for breakfast, Lunch and dinner.

An amazing experience: We regularly request and receive feedback from our guests, and most of them were very surprised at such high level of service and care they received, and that the experience was a great deal more comfortable than they anticipated! In the camping safari, tents, mattresses, sleeping bags, chairs, tables, cooking wear and other camping equipment are provided by KiliTwende Adventures.

Most people are worried about their safety in the safari park when they’re amidst uncaged wild animals. But we assure complete tourist safety as armed rangers will be patrolling and guarding the campsites all the time.

You may not stay in luxury accommodation but you see the same animals and experience the same wildlife. We provide top customer service for all types of travelers and we’ll make sure you get the most out of your buck.

Day 01 : Lake Manyara National Park

Tanzania Budget Camping Safari

We pick you up from your hotel and drive to Lake Manyara. The park derived its name from the Maasai word “Manyara”, which is the Swahili name for the plant, Euphorbia tirucalli. The Maasai use this plant to grow livestock stockades, which matures to a highly durable stockproof hedge.

The Great Rift Valley which stretches 8,000 kilometers is part of a fault of earth’s crust which runs from Turkey to Zambezi River in Mozambique. The vastness of the planar fracture can be understood by the fact that when astronauts land on moon, they can clearly see the Rift Valley. Dinner and overnight as per the standard and type of accommodation option requested.

Day 02 : Serengeti National Park

Tanzania Budget Camping Safari

After breakfast, we proceed to Serengeti, which is the oldest and by far the most popular national park of Tanzania. It is renowned for hosting the great annual migration which sees the movement and migration of over six million wildebeest accompanied by 200,000 zebras and 300,000 Thomson’s gazelle. Yet even when the migration is quiet, the Serengeti offers a remarkable game-viewing experience in Africa.Dinner and overnight as per the standard and type of accommodation option requested.

Day 03 : Serengeti Central

Tanzania Budget Camping Safari

After breakfast, we proceed to the Central part of Serengeti. This park is well-known for its healthy stock of resident wildlife, particularly the "big five", named for the five most prized trophies taken by hunters: Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Buffaloes, and Rhinos.Dinner and overnight as per the standard and type of accommodation option requested.

Day 04 : Ngorongoro Crater

Tanzania Budget Camping Safari

We start with an early morning game drive inside the Ngorongoro Crater. As very few animals migrate in and out of the crater walls which are2000 ft. high, you can easily spot animals like elephants, lions, hippos, jackals, rhinos, antelopes, zebras, and varying species of birds. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) is an extensive highland area along the eastern arm of the Rift Valley, with the world-renowned Ngorongoro Crater as its focal point.Dinner and overnight as per the standard and type of accommodation option requested.

Day 05 : Lake Eyasi (Hadzabe, Datonga)

Tanzania Budget Camping Safari

We depart for Lake Eyasi to visit the bush men and observe their activities such as hunting and wild fruits gathering. The Hadzabe (also known as Hadza) are one of the indigenous ethnic groups located in north-central Tanzania. They mostly live in the areas around the central rift valley and in neighboring Serengeti plateau. The Hadza is just under1, 000 in population living as hunter-gatherers, among the last hunter-gatherers in the world.Dinner and overnight as per the standard and type of accommodation option requested.

Day 06 : Tarangire National Park

Tanzania Budget Camping Safari

One of the largest national parks in Tanzania located in Manyara region, this place is characterized by the large herds of elephants, lions, and the fascinating baobab trees also called the Tree of Life for its almost mythical powers that some cultures attach to it.

This park is especially known for Tarangire River which flows all year round and the only source of water for wild animals during dry seasons.Late afternoon proceeding back to Arusha. You will be dropped off at the airport or hotel.