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Tanzania Cultural Tour

Tanzania Cultural Tour


Tanzania Cultural Tour

“Cultural Tourism is beneficial to everyone…. the tourists get unforgettable and unique experience while the local people generate income that improves their standard of living”.

Many local communities have their own cultural programs on offer which welcome tourists into their homes, bringing income directly to local community while giving local people an opportunity to showcase their way of life to the outside world. This harnesses a mutual trust and understanding between the local people and tourists coming in and opens up the possibility to experience Tanzania’s cultural diversity for tourists and a sustainable livelihood for the local people of various rural areas.

The local tour guides who are born, raised up, and live in the area will take you through the steps to grow, pick, dry, roast, pound, and finally brew fresh aromatic coffee beans. Take active part in the process before taking a sip. You can later pack some for your loved ones back home. In the pastrol areas of North and Lake Zone, traverse through the tracks followed by Sukuma, Iraqw, Barbiaq, and Maasai and explore almost unforgotten traditions and a way of life that is very much close to nature and wildlife.

The Ndali and Matengo dancers will take you through the famous drumbeats and dance moves which they inherited from their ancestors. Follow it up by some warm lunch/dinner and savour the local cuisine and culinary variations of Ugali, Mlenda, Machalari, Makande, Matoke, tasty Pilau, Nyamachoma, and sample some of the finest local wines and beers. Spend your precious time with local Mamas and learn how to cook a wide range of African cuisines and making authentic handcrafts.

Cultural tours can range from half-day excursion to as long as a couple of days. You’ll be staying among local tribal people in their villages and towns. Depending upon the time you have in your hand and your interest, you can opt to go for a boating ride down a river or in one of the many lakes while listening to urban legends. Alternatively, you can sail with the fishermen to one of the sandy islands of Indian Ocean, Lake Nyasa, and Lake Victoria. In the surrounding places of Lake Eyasi and Yaeda valleys, you’ll spend time with the Hadza hunter-gather members as part of your holiday and later hike the Switzerland of Tanzania the Usambara Mountains. Admire ancient irrigation systems- or today’s craftsmanship. Listen to a traditional healer’s diagnostic methods and obtain the correct remedial prescriptions.

Maasai Village Cultural Tour

There are numerous tribes in East Africa, but perhaps the most emblematic and well-known is the Maasai tribe, the members of which are known to be fierce warriors. This semi-nomadic tribe is very open and friendly towards visitors.

The members still go about a very traditional lifestyle and because of their distinctive clothing, are easier to recognize. In this tour, you’ll get opportunities to learn the religious beliefs, culture, and tradition of the Maasai people, and get into their traditional dwelling and hear them sing and dance to every occasion. The jumping dance will tempt you to join them. You can, and should, purchase some handcrafted Maasai items which are on offer for sale.

This cultural trip is often included in any safari itinerary near the Serengeti or Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

Hadzabe Tribe Cultural Tour

The Hadzabe tribe is one of the last tribes remaining in this world who still rely on hunting and gathering as their primary source of food. They move from place to place and live in temporary shelters. For hunting, they use bows, poisoned arrow-tips etc. Their hunting targets range from mice to giraffe, with baboons being their favourite hunting animal. If they successfully kill an animal as large as giraffe, then the entire group will shift base to the site rather than transport it.

They also collect roots, fruits, and berries and are experts in herbal medicine. By rubbing sticks together, they know the art of creating fire in amazingly short time. Their clothing is based on availability and they can be seen wearing animal fur skin or donated clothes.

All the attempts that have been attempted by the government to modernize Hadzabe tribe and give them a better life has been futile as they seem to truly love their way of life, resisting change. As their hunting grounds are diminishing and animal hunting is getting more regulated, their existence is getting tougher.

They reside mainly in the surrounding areas of Lake Eyasi along with the Nilotic-speaking Datoga tribe. A tour to this territory will include a hunt and an experience of their singing and dancing culture. This is an amazing opportunity to learn about a vanishing lifestyle. This tour can be added to any safari that is near Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

Day 01 : Arrival airport pic up – Drop off in Arusha

Tanzania Cultural Tour

You will be picked up from Kilimanjaro International Airport. Our staff members will dutifully answer all your concerns relating to upcoming safri and brief you as well. After you’re done, you’ll be take to your hotel/lodge in Arusha.

Day 02 : Arusha – Tarangire National Park

Tanzania Cultural Tour

After your breakfast at the hotel, we will pick you up and proceed to Tarangire National park. It is among the largest national parks of Tanzania with its location in the Manyara region. This is the place where elephants, tree climbing lions are found in large numbers along with baobab trees which is called Tree of Life for its mythical powers as per some tribal people. The park is named after the Tarangire River which flows through it all year round and is the only source of water for the resident animals, especially during the dry season. Late afternoon transfer to the bush camp beside Lake Eyasi.Dinner and overnightas per the standard and type of accommodation option requested.

Day 03 : Lake Eyasi -Serengeti National Park

Tanzania Cultural Tour

You’ll be taken for a hunting tour with the Hadzabe Bushmen tribe members, and you’ll learn survival skills in the process. In late afternoon, you’ll be transferred to Serengeti National Park via Ngorongoro, En route game drive, arrive Serengeti late afternoon.Dinner and overnightas per the standard and type of accommodation option requested.

Day 04 : Serengeti National Park

Tanzania Cultural Tour

Full day game drives in Serengeti.Dinner and overnightas per the standard and type of accommodation option requested.

Day 05 : Serengeti National Park – Ngorongoro Crater Rim

Tanzania Cultural Tour

Morning game drives in Serengeti followed by transfer to Ngorongoro Crater rim in the afternoon. Dinner and overnightas per the standard and type of accommodation option requested.

Day 06 : Ngorongoro Crater

Tanzania Cultural Tour

After breakfast, descend down to 600 meters into the crater to view an array of wildlife.

The Ngorongoro Conservation Area supports a wide variety of wild animals owing to its year round water and fodder supply. Wildebeest, buffalo, zebra, eland, warthog, African elephant, hippo are some of the species you’ll be able to spot.

What makes this attraction especially famous is the dense population of predators such as lions, hyenas, jackals, cheetahs and the ever-elusive leopard, which requires a trained eye to be spotted. We will also visit Lake Magadi, a large but shallow alkaline lake in the south-west corner and one of the main features of the crater. A large number of flamingos, hippos and other water birds can usually be seen in this lake. In the afternoon, you’ll be transferred to Nayobi village through Ngorongoro Crater highlands. Begin trekking with donkeys and Maasai warriors. Dinner and overnightas per the standard and type of accommodation option requested.

Day 07 : Empakai Crater

Tanzania Cultural Tour

Hike through Crater Highlands into the Great Rift Valley. Today, you’ll get to hike to Naiyobi which is a Maasai village along a fairly easy path. You’ll also visit Oldionyo Lengai. After having your lunch at Naiyobi, you’ll leave behind Ngorongoro Conservation Area and consequently the landcape becomes drier and rocky. The camp will be set up amongst an acacia forest.Dinner and overnightas per the standard and type of accommodation option requested.

Day 08 : Ol doinyo Lengai Summit - Mto Wa Mbu

Tanzania Cultural Tour

Night ascent & dawn summit. Seismic conditions permitting, you’ll be taken for a waterfall hike to a site near Oldoinyo Lengai. Afternoon transfer to Mto wa Mbu. Dinner and overnight as per the standard and type of accommodation option requested.

Day 09 : Mto Wa Mbu - Departure

Tanzania Cultural Tour

Following the morning’s breakfast, we’ll drive to Mto Wa Mbu which is a prominent cultural site and take a walking safari in the area. A sumptuous lunch will be provided at the site. Mountain biking is also an option which can be arranged with some additional cost. In the afternoon, we will head back to Arusha or to the airport for your flight back home.


  • Park fees (for non-residents)
  • All activities (unless labeled as optional)
  • All accommodation as stated in the itinerary
  • A professional driver/guide
  • All transportation (unless labeled as optional)
  • All Taxes/VAT
  • Roundtrip airport transfer
  • All Meals (as specified in the day-by-day section)
  • Drinking water on all days


  • International flights (from/to home)
  • Additional accommodation before and at the end of the tour
  • Tips (tipping guideline US$10.00 pp per day)
  • Personal items (souvenirs, travel insurance, visa fees, etc.)
  • Government imposed increase of taxes and/or park fees.
  • Alcohol drinks